Author: admin

  • The Great Lockdown of 2020

    Who did the coronavirus really impact? American workers and small business owners. Listed most impactful to least here are the facts: Estimated GDP Contraction -5.2% (Trillions of dollars) Unemployed workers 30.3 million since March | 9.14% of population Estimated SMB closures 6 million COVID-19 Cases 1.06 Million | 0.32% of population COVID-19 Recovered Cases 133,000 […]

  • Sign of the Times: COVID-19 Produces Layoffs and Bonuses

    Halliburton is shuttering its Kilgore facility reported KLTV. Meanwhile Dollar General is paying bonuses to its employees. The Haliburton facility in Kilgore was 90 years old opening around 1930. Southern region operations are said to be consolidating to Bossier City field camp in Louisiana. Halliburton’s original headquarters located in Duncan Oklahoma also as reduction in […]

  • 2008 Financial Crisis

    The largest financial meltdown since the Great Depression of 1929. Coined the Great Recession, large financial institutions became over leveraged taking risky bets on the security of mortgages. Mortgages are usually safe and great money makers for banks because Americans almost always pay their mortgage. When the economy began to slow, in 2007, many Americans […]

  • Value proposition

    A statement of measurable value by the company. A successful value proposition will persuade customers to purchase. Example of Dollar Shave Club value proposition: A top-shelf grooming routine. Personalized for you.

  • Business Model

    When an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, that is a business model. Strategic in nature business models can provide a competitive advantage. Recently the Business Model Canvas was mad popular by Alex Osterwalder. The Business Model Canvas is a tool to help visualize operations, customers, sales channels, etc. Components of a Business Model: […]

  • Take Profits

    To sell when you have made money or profited from an investment. Many investors take profits as an investment grows to diversify the earnings into other investments.

  • Treasury Bonds

    Bonds issued by the government to raise capital to find operations. Regarded as safe and secure because they are backed by the U.S. government which has the ability to print money and raise taxes to cover bond obligations. T-bonds mature in 30 years and offer investors the highest interest payments bi-annually. TLT T-notes mature anywhere […]

  • Recession

    A significant decline in general economic activity. Economists define recession as two consecutive quarters of GDP decline.

  • Earnings

    Earnings refer to a company’s profits in a given quarter or fiscal year. Earnings are an important figure to use when analyzing a company’s profitability. It can be compared to analyst’s earnings estimates, the company’s past performance, or against peers within the same industry.

  • Earnings Report

    Slang term for Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings that occur quarterly and annually. For public companies it is mandatory to publish the financial standing with the SEC for investors to scrutinize. The filings consist of the balance sheet, Income statement, and cash flow statement.